Our HDRs


Mr Bruce Duncan

Bruce Duncan

Data through Devices: Chinese and US governance of cross-border data flows’ (Deborah Healey/Kayleen Manwaring/Lu Wang)

Bruce’s research compares the legal frameworks currently emerging in China and the US which concern cross-border data flows. With each framework grounded principally in sensitivities of information inferable from data, the thesis additionally considers potential relevancies of advancing data analytics capabilities within data flow restriction determinations. Bruce is supervised by Deborah Healey, Kayleen Manwaring, and Lu Wang.





Ms Xiaolei Han

Xiaolei Han Headshot

'Understanding the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the Belt and Road Initiative: Characteristics, Challenges, and Implications' (Kun Fan/Jonathan Bonnitcha/Heng Wang)

Ms Xiaolei’s project examines how China exercises power and authority in the cross-border commercial dispute settlement under the Belt and Road Initiative. It will investigate the state quo and characteristics of the current dispute settlement mechanism and explore the possibilities of developing a new mechanism, to understand China’s role in transnational economic governance.




Mr Simon Lacey

Simon Lacey headshot

‘Success and failure in the race to coordinate domestic policies, regulatory frameworks and institutions to the realities of the 21st century trading system: Australia and its regional trade partners’ ( Weihuan Zhou/Lu Wang)






Ms Zihan Su

Headshot of Zihan Su grey background square

'Oppression Remedies for Shareholders in China -- From the Perspective of Australian Legal System' (Xiao-chuan Weng/ Marina Nehme)

My current research aims to analyze the similarities and differences between China and Australia on the issue of shareholder oppression, which would focus on the adaptability of Australian company law to the Chinese judicial environment and actual conditions. I am trying to set up a series of systematic remedies for Chinese shareholders to solve shareholder oppression from the perspective of Australian law, including private remedies beforehand and judicial remedies afterward.




Ms Oxana Wolfson

Oxana Wolfson headshot

'Proposed Solutions to Potential Legal Violations by the Private Sector Involved in International Water Trade, Infrastructure Financing, and Utility Delivery' (Fleur Johns/Amelia Thorpe/Weihuan Zhou)






 Ms Vinitika Vij 

Vinitika Vij Headshot

'Taking Developing Countries Seriously: Adjudication of Developing Country-related Concerns at the WTO for Environment-related Trade Measures' (Natalie Klein/Weihuan Zhou)







Dr Xue (Sophia) Bai

Xue Sophia Bai headshot

‘Reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises: What China can learn from the practice of competitive neutrality in Australia’ (Deborah Healey/Leon Trakman/Heng Wang/Mark Williams)

Completion year: 2021





Dr Qi (Belle) Guo

Belle Guo headshot

'Continuous Disclosure of Chinese Cross-border Listed Companies in Australia: Challenges and Proposals' (Marina Nehme/ Xiao-chuan Weng)

Completion year: 2022





Dr Xiaomeng (Phyllis) Qu

Xiaomeng Phyllis Qu headshot

'Protection of Private Property Rights in Compulsory Land Acquisition in Modern China'(Brendan Edgeworth/Weihuan Zhou)

Completion year: 2021





 Dr Peicheng (Matthew) Wu

Matthew Wu headshot

'Research on Anti-monopoly Regulation of Abuse of Market Dominance in Trade Secret' (Deborah Healey/ Xiao-chuan Weng/Alexandra George)

Completion year: 2022





Dr Chenxi Wang

Dr Chenxi Wang headshot

'Central-Provincial Dynamics in China's WTO Disputes: 'Local Protectionism' versus International Pressure' (Leon Trakman/Zeller Bruno)

Completion year: 2017





Dr Shangxuan (Martin) Wu

Martin Shangxuan Wu headshot

'The Status Quo and Prospect of Dual-Class Share Structure in Mainland China: Lessons and Experiences from Practices Under the Common Law System' (Xiao-chuan Weng)

Completion year: 2022





 Dr Dan Xie

‘Due Process Defence to Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards under the New York Convention: A Global Perspective in Theory and Practice' (Lucas Lixinski/Leon Trakman/Jeanne Huang)

Completion year: 2022




Dr Zhenyu (Zoe) Xiao

Zhenyu Xiao headshot

‘The Evolution of Settlement of Investor-State Disputes in China: A Coherent and Conscious Approach?’ (Heng Wang/ Jonathan Bonnitcha)

Completion year: 2022






Dr Shuo Yang

Shuo Yang headshot

'Reforming the Corporate Governance of Not-for-profit Residential Care Institutions in China' (Xiao-chuan Weng/ Marina Nehme)

Completion year: 2023





 Ms Hui Pang

Hui Pang headshot

'Global Commons in International Investment Law: The Rights and Responsibilities of States and Investors in Renewable Energy Investments’ (Xiao-Chuan Weng/ Heng Wang/ Lucas Lixinski)

Completion year: 2024





Dr Ngoc Thuan Hoang

'China's lawsuits against the double remedies issue of the US and practical applications for Vietnam' (Colin Picker/Lisa Toohey/Weihuan Zhou)

Completion year: 2018


NamePosition and organisation
Professor Henry GaoProfessor, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University
Professor Colin PickerExecutive Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong Australia
Professor Wenhua Shan

Founding Dean of the School of Law at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China and

Yangtze River Chair Professor of International Economic Law (by Ministry of Education, China)

Professor Heng WangProfessor, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University
Associate Professor Huiqin JiangAssociate Professor, School of Law and Politics, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University