2023 JCICEL Conference | Session 1: Recent developments in China’s Approaches to Global Economic Governance 


Building Back Better: China’s Policy and Legal Approaches and Global Implications

Amid the ongoing effort to combat COVID-19 worldwide, it is more important and more timely than ever to consider the development of China’s policy and regulatory approaches to ensure a sustainable, resilient recovery. This conference aims to bring researchers from Tsinghua Law School and UNSW Law & Justice together to discuss the policy and regulatory developments in a wide range of fields including international trade law, international investment law, banking & finance law, intellectual property law, corporate law, competition law, environmental law and dispute resolution, focusing on cutting-edge issues faced by China in building back better.

Opening Remarks

Jun Long

Jun Long is the Associate Professor as well as Associate Dean of International Affairs of School of Law, Tsinghua University. He earned his LL.B (2006) and Ph.D in law (2011) from Tsinghua University. He was a Joint Ph.D student at Hokkaido University from 2009 to 2010. With Civil Law as his main research interests, Associate Professor Long was the Member of the Working Group for the Legislation of Civil Code (1 of only 2 scholars) from 2017-2020. He participated in the overall process of the legislation work of Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China.   

Chris Forster

Christine Forster is Professor in the Faculty of Law & Justice at UNSW Sydney and Associate Dean International. Her current research interests are sex discrimination, intersectional discrimination, sexual misconduct by lawyers, and intersections between federalism and gender. She teaches torts, health and medical law and women, gender and law. 


Professor Chenying Zhang

Chenying Zhang joined Tsinghua Law School in 2003. She is the full Professor and Director of the Center for Competition Law at Tsinghua Law School. Professor Zhang earned her Ph.D. in Law, LL.M., LL.B. and Bachelor of Economics from Peking University. She visited at Harvard Law School as a Fulbright Scholar from 2011 to 2012. Her main research areas focus on Antitrust, Law and Economics, Corporation, and Bankruptcy. She was appointed as a consultant of the State Competition Commission in China.   

Navigating BRI Disputes

Kun Fan is Associate Professor of UNSW Law and Justice's China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre. She was named Norton Rose Fulbright Faculty Scholar in Arbitration & Commercial Law in 2017 and received numerous awards in recognition of her academic contribution. She held academic positions at the Faculty of Law, McGill University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was also a Visiting Scholar of the Harvard Yenching Institute (2012-2013) and a Visiting Scholar at Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) (2023). She also has extensive experience in ADR practice, having worked as counsel, legal expert, secretary for the arbitration tribunal, arbitrator and domain names panellist, and deputy counsel at the ICC International Court of Arbitration. She is called to the New York Bar, an Academic Council Member of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration, a Domain Names Panellist of the HKIAC and the ADNDRC, an Accredited Mediator of the HKMAAL, and an Arbitrator of a number of arbitration institutions. 

Dr Lu Wang 2023

Dr Lu Wang is a Lecturer at UNSW Law & Justice and a member of the China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre. Her primary area of research interest is international and comparative economic law, with a particular focus on international investment law, international arbitration, State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and Chinese regulation of foreign trade and investment. She has published on cutting-edge issues in international economic law with leading international academic publishers and served as co-guest editor to the ICSID Review (published by Oxford University Press) Special Focus Issue on SOE and International Investment Law. Before joining UNSW Law & Justice, Lu worked as legal intern at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) of the World Bank Group and the Department of Treaty and Law of MOFCOM. She was also a Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge. Currently, Lu serves as an Affiliated Expert of the Asia-Pacific FDI Network and works closely with international organisations and key actors involved in the field of foreign direct investment (FDI). She holds two PhDs from the University of Liverpool in the UK and Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. 


Deborah Healey headshot

Deborah Healey is a professor at UNSW Law and a co-director of China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre, UNSW Law & Justice. She is also a member of the Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation. Her research and teaching focus on competition law and policy in Australia, China, Hong Kong and the ASEAN nations and she has written widely on them over a long period of time. She is a regular visitor to those jurisdictions to research and teach. Within the area of competition law, she is particularly interested in the role of government in the market, both in Australia and internationally; merger regulation; competition in banking and finance; and the digital economy. Deborah has undertaken substantial research in the development of the Anti-Monopoly Law of China against the background of its political economy and has written widely alone and with Chinese co-authors and in material translated into Chinese. She has consulted with, and completed research projects for, UNCTAD, OECD and ASEAN. She is a Non-Government Adviser to the International Competition Network and a member of the Law Council of Australia Competition Law Committee 

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