Associate Professor Heng Wang talked at KCL, Oxford and Edinburgh on China and international economic order

Wed 13 November 2019

By Jayne He


Co-director of China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre Associate Professor Heng Wang has been invited to visit and speak at several top-ranked law schools in the UK including King's College London (KCL), the University of Oxford, and the University of Edinburgh in October.

During his visit to the UK, Associate Professor Wang talked on China and international economic order on a couple of occasions.

He was invited to present his paper titled “The International Governance Crisis and Post-WTO Order: A China-US G2 FTA as a Solution?” at the “Paradise Lost or Found? The Post-WTO International Legal Order (Utopian & Dystopian Possibilities)” workshop at KCL, which was organised by Professors Colin Picker and Junji Nakagawa, and hosted by Dr. Holger Hestermeyer, Shell Reader in International Dispute Resolution.


Associate Professor Heng Wang presents at King's College London Workshop on 19 October 2019.


At Oxford University China Centre, Associate Professor Wang spoke about China and international economic law based on his paper on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). He also shared his experiences in research methods at a seminar that attended by postdoctoral researchers of Oxford University along with Sida Liu, Associate Professor of Sociology and Law of the University of Toronto. 

The seminar was hosted by Matthew S. Erie, who is Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Studies at Oriental Institute and Associate Research Fellow of Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. 

Additionally,  Heng gave a talk on “China’s Approach to a New International Order” at the University of Edinburgh. The talk was hosted by Professor Andrew Lang and other colleagues. Moreover, Associate Professor Wang has been invited to speak in a course on world trade law at the University of Edinburgh.

Know more about Associate Professor Wang’s research at ResearchGate, SSRN, Twitter @HengWANG_law, and LinkedIn.