2024 CIBEL Global Network Conference and Young Scholars Workshop

Sydney, 20 & 21 November 2024


Disruptions of global supply chains have become a thorny challenge for governments, businesses, and consumers worldwide since the COVID-19 pandemic. While companies, particularly multinational ones, have been redesigning strategies to restructure their international operations and value chains, governments have also adopted policy and regulatory responses.  Governments have tended to prefer individual rather than collective responses to these challenges, relying less on multilateral institutions and preferring measures that reflect their own economic and policy needs and preferences. This, in turn, has caused increasing regulatory divergence and tensions fuelled by geopolitical challenges. All these factors potentially disrupt rather than protect global supply chains. This conference will explore these policy and regulatory responses, their implications for domestic and cross-border commercial activities, and ways to improve regulatory connectivity and coherence for more resilient and stable supply chains.  

This year's theme will be on 'Restoring Global Supply Chains: From Regulatory Divergence to Connectivity and Coherence.' Bringing together researchers, policymakers and business, the objective of the CIBEL Global Network Conference & Young Scholars Workshop in 2024 is to discuss policies and regulatory frameworks developed by governments domestically and internationally, the interaction between regulatory actions and business strategies, the challenges associated with regulatory divergence, the impact on global supply chains, and steps that have been or can be taken to pursue regulatory connectivity and coherence including through bilateral, regional and international cooperation.  

The Conference aims to create a platform for discussions across a wide range of fields including international trade law, international investment law, banking & finance law, intellectual property law, corporate law, competition law, environmental law and dispute resolution, focusing on cutting-edge issues faced by governments and the world economy in restoring efficient and resilient global supply chains.

About the CIBEL Global Network

Established in 2015 as a UNSW long-term strategic initiative within UNSW Law & Justice, the China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre is the world’s largest centre outside China for the research and teaching of international business and economic law issues focusing on the impact of China domestically, in the Asia Pacific and internationally. The CIBEL Global Network, initiated in 2018, aims to connect and engage on CIBEL issues with scholars, practitioners, regulators, and the public in the Asia Pacific and worldwide. The CIBEL Centre supports and promotes this network by, among other things, holding our flagship Global Network Conference and Young Scholars Workshop annually.  

For more information on the CIBEL Global Network, please see here

Submit your application

Download the full Call for Papers

Papers & Publication 

Authors/presenters are encouraged to submit a full draft paper (up to 8,000 words including footnotes) at least two weeks before the conference/workshop to enable a productive discussion. All submitted papers will be included in the CIBEL Working Paper Series and released on the CIBEL website: 


Publication options may be discussed at the conference (subject to the number and quality of submissions), such as a special issue with a leading journal of Oxford University Press or Cambridge University Press. 

  • Monday 20 May, 5pm – Call for paper released 

  • Monday 22 July, 5pm – Due date for proposal submission  

  • Monday 19 August, 5pm – Notification of abstract acceptance 

  • Monday 2 September, 5pm – Due date for applicants to accept speaking roles 

  • Monday 28 October, 5pm – Due date for full draft paper submission 

  • Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 November – Conference and Young Scholar Workshop  

Applicants who have submitted their full papers and are aged 35 or under on 20 November 2024 will be considered for the CIBEL Global Network Young Scholar Prize. 

Organising Committee & Enquiries 

The Organising Committee consists of: Associate Professor Weihuan Zhou, Professor Deborah Healey, Professor Lisa Toohey, Professor Mimi Zou, Associate Professor Kun Fan, Dr Lu Wang and Dr Sophia Xue Bai.  

Please submit any enquiries to cibel@unsw.edu.au



Registration is free but essential. We encourage you to subscribe to CIBEL’s newsletter and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to be the first one to know when the Conference is open for registrations. The registration link will be posted on the Global Network page on the CIBEL website. CIBEL will contact presenters in advance to check on set up and testing.  


Contact Us

For additional registration information and updates, please see the CIBEL website.  

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If you have any questions, please contact us at cibel@unsw.edu.au