
Book Chapters

  • Citation
    2014, 'Instituting Investment Claims under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement', in Shan W; Su J (ed.), China and International Investment Law, Brill / Nijhoff, pp. 372 - 407,

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2013, 'Is Australia Taking the Threat of Global Financial Emergency Seriously', in Douglas B (ed.), Placing Global Change on the Australian Electoral Agenda, Australia21 Ltd, pp. 25 - 27

  • Citation
    Healey DJ, 2013, 'Australia', in Williams M (ed.), The Political Economy of Competition Law in Asia, edn. Original, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 344 - 378,

  • Citation
    Healey DJ, 2013, 'Exchange and integration of modern legal systems: Competition and Merger Law in China & Australia', in Fusion of Contemporary legal dealings with the law, Chinese Law and Politics University Press, China, pp. 384 - 404

  • Citation
    Trakman L, 2013, 'The Case for Investment Liberalisation', in Regionalism in International Investment Law, Oxford University Press

  • Citation
    2013, 'Foreign Direct Investment: A historical Perspective', in Trakman LE; Ranieri NW (ed.), Regionalism in International Investment Law, Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 14 - 26

  • Citation
    2013, 'Investment Dispute Settlement under the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement', in Voon T (ed.), Trade Liberalization and International Co-operation, Edward Elgar

  • Citation
    2013, 'Investor-state dispute settlement under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement', in Voon T (ed.), Trade Liberalisation and International Co-operation, Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 179 - 206

  • Citation
    2013, 'People’s Mediation in China: Creative Adaptations from the Tradition', in Mediation: China and the World

  • Citation
    2013, 'People’s Mediation in China: Creative Adaptations from the Tradition', in Xin X (ed.), Mediation: China and the World

  • Citation
    2013, 'The Case for Investment Liberalization', in Trakman L; Ranieri N (ed.), REGIONALISM IN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW, Oxford University Press

  • Citation
    2013, 'The rise of China and its impact on international economic governance', in Maguire R; Lewis B; Sampford C (ed.), Shifting Global Powers and International Law : Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge, United Kingdom, pp. 50 - 63,

  • Citation
    George A, 2012, '“Owning Life"', in Chatterjee D (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 791 - 791

  • Citation
    Healey DJ, 2012, 'China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: Agent of Competition or Engine of Industrial Policy? Comments on paper of Professor Wang and Jessica Su', in Zimmer D (ed.), Goals of Competition law, edn. Original, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 398 - 408