
Journal articles

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2002, 'Review: “NAFTA, WTO and Global Business Strategy: How Aids, Trade and Terrorism Affect Our Economic Future” a review of the book by B Condon', Kyklos, 55, pp. 580 - 580

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2002, 'The Fatal Flaw in International Finance: The Rich Borrow and the Poor Repay', World Policy Journal, XIX, pp. 59 - 64

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2001, 'A Tale of Two Crises: The Search for the Enduring Lessons of International Financial Reform', UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 6, pp. 1 - 43

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2001, 'Adversarial Bargaining: An Ignored Aspect of Negotiation Theory', Australian Law Journal, 75, pp. 181 - 189

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2001, 'The Essential Flaw in the Globalisation of Capital Markets: Its Impact on Human Rights', California Western International Law Journal, 32, pp. 119 - 131

  • Citation
    Trakman L, 2001, 'Appropriate Conflict Management', Wisconsin Law Review, pp. 385 - 415

  • Citation
    2001, 'International Capital Flows, Economic Sovereignty and Developing Countries', Yearbook of International Economic and Financial Law 1999, pp. 17 - 46

  • Citation
    2001, 'The Rule of Law, Justice and Interpretation. (Review)', University of British Columbia Law Review, 34, pp. 579 - 582

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2000, 'An Oft-Ignored Perspective on the Asian Economic Crisis: The Role of Creditors and Investors', Banking and Finance Law Review, 15, pp. 431 - 454

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2000, 'Lessons from the Emerging Debt Markets', Journal of International Banking Law, pp. 103 - 108

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2000, 'Sections 51AA and 51AC of the Trade Practices Act 1974: The Need for Reform', Trade Practices Law Journal, 8, pp. 5 - 16

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2000, 'Ten rules of hard bargaining', The ADR Bulletin, 3, pp. 48 - 52

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 2000, 'The Role and Potential of Self-Regulatory Organisations: The Emerging Markets Traders Association from 1990-2000', Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance, 6, pp. 135 - 151

  • Citation
    2000, 'Review: Commercial Law in the Next Millenium – A review of the Hamlyn Lectures delivered by Professor Roy Goode', Bond Law Review, pp. 115 - 118

  • Citation
    Buckley RP, 1999, 'The Incorporation of Dispute Resolution and Drafting Skills in Substantive Law Subjects', Journal of Professional Legal Education, pp. 261 - 269